Friday, August 17, 2012

The Blessing of Routine.

Today both my boys are back to school! They aren't too thrilled but I'm happy to have them doing something other than watching tv, goofing off or swimming. Even though it's early mornings for us all, I'm so glad to be back on school schedules! The oldest is driving himself for the first time (mom is dealing with anxiety over this!) and the youngest is riding the bus for the first time (nice to not have to drive so much this year!). Both are in sports this fall so I'm still driving a lot to practices and eventually games/meets. And now my nephew is staying with us while he finds a job and saves for his own place. I'm enjoying the time with him, getting to know him better and feeding him (he's so thin!)!
I finished the ball gown for my little niece who turned 5 earlier this month and my sister has sent pictures of the beautiful birthday princess wearing her gown.
Little niecey with gown, fingerless gloves, headband and choker on.

Niece added a tiara and sis put a tutu under the skirt to fill it out more.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Lord, help me!

It's a blunder kind of day, or week really.  So many things have been going on to make me feel down.  I've been reading verses about God's promises, grace and mercy and that helps for a while but I find myself thinking about all the negative things going on.  I've been attacked in so many ways lately that I just feel like I almost can't catch my breath.  I'm needing lots of prayer right now for strength and wisedom to keep my mouth shut.  I won't stop speaking the truth but I need to know when to keep my thoughts to myself.  The bible says in Proverbs 20:3 "Keeping away from strife is an honor for a man, but any fool will quarrel." and Provers 26:4 says "Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you will also be like him.  Proverbs 29:11 says "A fool always loses his temper, but a wise man holds it back."  I want to be a wise person not a fool!  State the truth once and if it is not received don't keep saying the same thing over and over.  I struggle with knowing whether I am feeling righteous anger or prideful anger in these situations and have to take a moment to evaluate the situation.  If I'm mad because my character is being attacked that is prideful but if I'm mad because they are twisting God's word to say what they want it to say that is righteous anger.  I don't want my pride to be a stumbling block to anyone knowing the love of Christ!  And I want to continue loving them despite their negative treatment of me because that is what Christ commands me to do.  But I am a sinner and my flesh wants to hate them.  Thank you, Jesus, for paying for my sins and giving me the strength to overcome my fleshly desires!