Monday, December 19, 2011

Apologies and Reflection

I need to apologize to anyone who was keeping up with this blog.  I'm sorry that I haven't been posting anything for several months!  I guess I just have been busy and then didn't think I had much to blog about but I should really try to do better.  After all, this blog is supposed to be about the blessings, of which I have way more than I deserve, and of the blunders, of which I have more than I'd care to admit.  So I should have plenty to blog about, right?
I am so blessed to have a wonderful church and church family!  I really enjoy going to the different events, the bible studies, just for fun and fellowship events, and services where I know I'm going to be told the absolute truth and learn more about God's word.
Lately I've been really discouraged with how Christmas has become such a gimme, gimme time of the year and incredibly stressful for me with figuring out what to buy for everyone, doing the shopping and spending the money, and all the focus being on material things and feel good stories of Santa and other things that are NOT the reason Christmas is supposed to be celebrated.  Christmas is about the greatest gift of love ever given.  God gave His only Son, born to die, for us so we could know how much He loves us and a way to have a personal relationship with Him.  How can we overlook that year after year and get so caught up in our worldly views of the holiday season?
My family and I are making changes to the way we celebrate Christmas from now on.  Christmas isn't our birthday so why should we go overboard with the gifts?  Next year we will only buy one gift per person.  We'll go all out for the birthdays.  No more impersonal, boxed Christmas cards.  It will be a picture card and/or a family newsletter.  It's a better use of my time and money.  We will keep the focus on Christ and the love He shows us and the love we are commanded to show to others.
So for anyone who happens to be reading this, merry Christmas!  May you be abundantly blessed as you celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior and share that love with others!

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas to you, too, sister! As I get older, it gets much easier to let go of the stress around this time of year. I think it really happened a couple of years ago, when I was so overwhelmed by all that needed doing. God pointed out to me thru our church's Advent services that Christmas is not just celebrating Jesus' birth...but looking forward to His second coming. That puts another whole perspective on the holiday! So now, rather than getting wrapped up in wrapping up gifts (altho I still love to give gifts!), I do my best to keep my focus on living my life in a way that would please Jesus, looking forward to celebrating Christmas WITH him!
